Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"The To-Do list" (book review)

This book tells the story of a man who developed a 1277 items to-do list of things that he felt would make him more of a “proper adult”, inspired by his “almost perfect neighbors” Derek and Jessica, who he felt were mucho more adult than he was.
His tenth wedding anniversary is coming and his second child is due any moment… so, worried because his lack of maturity, he draws up a list containing a lot of stuff that needs to be done. So he put together this list after his 36th birthday and decided to complete it before his 37th birthday. He has only a year ahead to deal with such as huge task.
Some of the things were not too big, like “organize cd’s” or “print all digital photos”. However, others like “go green because it is the right thing to do” or “spend more time with your parents because they won’t be around forever” are more tricky and involve emotional baggage.
It was fun and inspirational at the same time to notice his progress and his struggles with the list over the course of the year, while his more than patient wife and the rest of the family suffer the consequences of the challenge.
This book is perfect for anyone who has ever written a list in a piece of paper, hoping to cross it off. I enjoyed it very much!
“The To-Do list” was written by Mike Gayle in 2009.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The book tells the story of Steve Jobs and it shows a particular description of Apple founder. This biography was written by Walter Isaacson and it is surprising the way the writer lays out Steve Jobs´ strengths, weaknesses and deepest thoughts. It is especially interesting the prologue, where Walter Isaacson explains the reasons why he wrote the biography and how he was persuaded to do it.
Steve Jobs was born in California, on February 24, 1955.Their parents were two University graduate students who gave him up for adoption. Steve was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. Steve and his father used to work on electronics in the family garage but it is really interesting the way the writer shows who Steve was influenced by this hobby.  It was a hobby that instilled confidence, tenacity and mechanical prowess, something very important in Steve´s future.
Steve Jobs experimented with different pursuits before starting Apple Computers. For example, he worked as a video game designer in Atari and later he traveled to India to find his spiritual way. It was in 1976 when Steve Jobs and Wozniak started Apple Computers. They started their job in the Steve Jobs´ garage.
The books tells how Apple revolutioned the computer industry and technology, making the machines smaller, intuitive and accessible to everyday consumers.
Of course, the biography tells his departure from Apple, the return to the company and his personal life that does not have a surprising end because Steve Jobs dies in 2011, due to a pancreatic cancer.
If you are a lover of Apple´s machines or if you want to know Steve Jobs´ extravagances, you should not miss this book.

Mª Lucía Lucero Gallardo

Friday, May 17, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Man's Search for Meaning is a book based on a true story about Viktor Emil Frankl, a Holocaust survivor who was also an important
Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist.

In his book, describes from the perspective of a psychiatrist, his experience as a concentration camp prisoner.
In such horrible conditions, he was discovering the importance of finding meaning in all forms of existence, even the most extreme ones.
After three years later, he was rescued by the American army.
Something that I found very interesting is that, when he returned to his job, Dr. Frankl, asked his patients: "Why don´t you just commit suicide?" and from their answers, he was able to
find the guide-line for his psychotherapy.

I chose this book because I wanted to read something related to psychology and a teacher recommended me.
For me, this book was easy to read because I found it very catchy but it took me a long time to figure out a lot of words that I´ve never seen but it´s normal.
I totally recommended this book because
 I believe that one way to be able to deal with our life is through the awareness about how trifling our problems are so this book is a good example.
No doubt that for Mr. Frankl was the key because he lived 92 years! ;)

Zaida Brasal



I have reading two books in the last months. One of them is "True tales of American life", but I have seen that I am not the only one. I only have to say that although this is an interesting book, is sometimes also  difficult to read, because of the style of  the different writers that relates the stories. On the one hand, some of the stories are quite simples, but in the other hand some of them make you feel terrible sad.

The other one I have read is "The public confessions of a middle age woman". The author of the book is "Sue Twonsed". I have chose  this book because  it is not a novel and is written in a different way that a novel is supposed to be written, that it to say, you can find real english.

Sue not only is a writer in her middle age but she also is a mother, granmother and wife with a special sense of humor. In this book she writes about her own life and experiences, about her work, insecurities, pains,...always with a touch of humor. Sometimes, I have lost track of the times when I was reading the book, because even though maybe, I don´t totally agree with her point of view, She is very funny. Perhaps, this agreement  will come in a few years. Needless to say that I am not a middle age woman yet. I am in my ....

To sump up,  I  recommend you to read this book only if you are a woman or if you want to understand us. There are some information that I can tell you and I will take to my grave, at least, that you want to read this book. If I have to decide which of the books I have read I prefer, I have to say that the second one is the winner, because of the humor, however, the first one has nothing to retract it.

                                                                                                              Adela  Sánchez  Santana(2A)

REVIEW                                              THE WHITE TIGER


The White tiger, written by Arvin  Adiga, tell us  Balram’s,  the main character, life.

He  was born in Laxmangarh, a rural village  in “the Darkness”, the most impoverished area of rural India.

Balram narrates his life in a letter which  he wrote in seven nights and sent it to  the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. The  protagonist, begins describing his life in his village with his extended family. He had to leave  the school in order to earn some money to help his family. In the first time, he  started to work in a teashop with his brother in Dhanbad, but he did not like being a servant and decided  later,  to become a driver.

As a driver, he worked in New Delhi with a local land lord, named Mr. Ashok. As soon as he found out  Mr. Shook’s dark business, he understood   how much corrupted was the city including the government by numerous new wealthy people such as his boss.

Meanwhile,  he spent most of the day waiting for Mr.Ashok, Balram was amused by other older drivers’  talking. Little by little, he was losing his innocent behaviour for another more selfish and self-sufficient.

Driving around the city, he  checked its most richest areas, full of shopping malls  as luxurious as many  American cities. On the contrary, there were as well  many neighbourhoods  where people had  nothing at all.

Balram wanted to leave his bad position and raising his own business. He will not doubt to do anything to achieve it.

The White Tiger provides a darkly humorous perspective of India’s class. The novel captures the unspoken voice of the people from “the Darness”. Also its  is  a symbol for freedom and individuality, reflected by the protagonist.

In my opinion it is a good book and very interesting too. So, I recommend you.

The author show us the social system that divides the Indian population into higher and lower classes. Moreover, she  portraits   a  capitalist  India society very negative towards the poverty.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why do people travel?

                Have you ever wondered why people travel? Can you imagine a world where people do not move from their city? Nowadays, would it be possible a world without transport where people spend their holidays at home? Do you spend an important amount of your household budget traveling? Why?

                 You probably consider traveling as a normal activity which everybody can afford to a greater o lesser extent, either you go to see your family or friends or you want to go to the further corner of Africa. But, obviously this has not always been so.

                Consequently, I will write this article from the point of view of a modern society whose standard o life and progress has enable us to tackle some challenges in the past only intended for wealthy people, who had enough energy to face the difficulties and inconveniences that a trip supposed.

                 But, coming back to the questions in the beginning of this article, the reasons why people travel apart from seeking for work, are many and varied:

                 First, many people travel looking for knowing other cultures and in this way, they learn at the same time that fun, in any case, the way to access to another culture depends on the way the visitor wants to spend his time and money. There are many different kinds of trips depending on your budget and personality, going to the best and luxurious hotels or looking for more realistic experiences.

                Another reason for traveling is only for fun an relaxation, all of us know who has gone through thousands of kilometers with the only purpose of spending his time in a luxurious and comfortable resort doing hardly nothing and relaxing.

                Food tourism is a fashionable activity, since most of people enjoy eating and the pursuit of unique taste experiences drives them to travel around the country or the world indeed.

                 So, whatever the reason for traveling, we can state that most of people like traveling and set aside a percentage of their budget to this purpose. Everybody has a clear reason to do it that could be summarized in one: having a good experience.

Lourdes Fernández

Monday, May 13, 2013


One night, a young girl was alone at home because her parents were out for dinner. Her only company was her dog. That night, she was into bed and she was awakened by a constant dripping sound. She stuck her hand under the bed and the dog licked it. She got up and went to the kitchen to turn off the tap properly. As she was getting back into the bed she stuck her hand under the bed again and the dog licked it reassuringly.
The dripping sound continued, so she went to the bathroom and turned off the tap properly in there, too. She went back to her bedroom and again stuck her hand under the bed, and again the dog licked it. But the dripping continued, so she went outside and turned off the taps out there. She came back to bed, stuck her hand under it, and the dog licked it again.
Still the dripping continued, drip, drip, drip. This time she listened and located the source of the dripping — it was coming from her cupboard. She opened the cupboard door, and there was her dog hanging upside down with its neck cut, and written on the window on the inside of the cupboard door was, "HUMANS CAN LICK TOO!!!"

This is the typical story that lot of people know because it happened to a friend of a friend of a friend...
A couple was spending their honeymoon in India. One day, they found a beautiful and weird dog with lot of hair. It was alone in the street, so they decide to take it with them as a pet.
After the holidays, they arrived back home and they went to the vet with the beautiful dog.
The vet explored the dog and the surprise was that it was not a dog, it was a possum.



The story was written by Stephany Meyer in 2003.
The plot is about Bella Swan, a seven- years- old girl that moves to Folks, a rainy and cloudy place in Washington, to live with her father. Bella attracts attention among their colleges and several students are quickly her friends.

In one of the science class, Bella knows Eduard Cullen, a strange boy who seems to be repulsed by her. Eduard got Bella´s attention but he disappears for few days. One morning, in the school parking, Eduard appears to save Bella´s life with his hands stopping a van. From that moment on, they start a friendship. Bella wants to discover how Eduard saved her life. After a friend of the family, Jacob Black, tells her a local tribal legend, she concludes that Eduard and his family are vampires who drink animal blood.

They initiate a relationship and Eduard confess Bella that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was too desirable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love.
Their relationship is affected when James, a nomadic vampire, arrives in Forks, and wants to catch Bella for sport.
Eduard´s family will do all the necessary to keep Bella safe and she shows her desire to become a vampire, but Eduard refuses.
I recommend  it if you like vampire stories and if you like catchy stories. It is a story for teenagers, but I wanted to read the book because I liked the film and the 4 books that I read in Spanish, but you should read the book before watching the film.
Although it is not a best seller, it has got a big success in book shops and cinemas.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


     Have you ever asked yourself how would be our lives without travelling? Living always in the same place, with the same people? Sincerely, I can't imagine the life in this way. It's been ages since the human being started to travel, looking for new settlements, where their lives were more comfortable, conquering other countries or battling the enemy. Nowadays, have our reasons changed? Of course, now we have a lot of different motives to travel. If we would ask in airports or bus stations, we were surprised about the amazing reasons to travel.
     To start with, we must take in account the big quantity of people travelling each day by plane, car of ferry because of their job, visiting customers, doing business or simply managing to find a new work.
     Another interesting reason to travel is to meet your relatives or friends during the summer or at Easter, sharing with them your holidays or your free time. Many of us have family living abroad and this is a good opportunity to travel.
     In addition, many people, specially students, decide to improve their studies or to get a master's degree in a University in another city or country, then they have to travel and, from time to time, they come back home.
     We can find another relevant reason to travel: health reasons. In some cases, people have to travel looking for an appropriate medical treatment in a foreign hospital, or in another city. Yet, there is somebody that looks for better prices, for example, in South Africa there exists a very good plastic surgery, really inexpensive, then people go on holidays there, going back home with a new appearance, surprising neighbours and friends.
     On the other hand, the motive that moves more  people is leisure. The big majority travels mostly because they want  to visit new places, beaches, cities or countries, wanting to know other cultures, other gastronomies. To sum up, they want to go sightseeing.
     Finally, I'd like to tell that for me, travelling is one of the most greatful experiences. I feel very well when I travel, even though I can find little disadvantages that I forget quickly. I encourage everybody to travel as much as possible; after a trip you will live more relaxed enjoying the memory.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


THE SNOWBALL: Warren Buffet and the business of life

This book has been published by Bloombury Publising. I don’t know exactly how many hours I spent reading it, but probably one hour and a half each day for three months, more o less. (140 hours)

I decided to read the book because I wanted to know how one person can make and empire from a company created in a room of a house.
It’s a biography about Warren Buffet (one of the most important investors in the world) written by Alice Schroeder.

The plot is about the youth of Warren Buffet and how he did to make an empire only investing in companies. It starts with Warren as a preteen in his city ,Omaha in USA, and tells how he started his passion with money and companies.
At university, he read the books at the start of the course and did not need to study any more.  When he ended the degree he went to New York to work with a famous business man. But when this man got retired he started his own company.
The book is a set of rules about how to successful in life, not only in business. Warren style is to be always gentle and honorable. Warren life is only about his company and money and he was always working when he was young. Nowadays he relax playing bridge.
To summarize, Warren worked so many hours that his company has become one of the most important companies of the world.

I really like the story because I want to be an entrepreneur too, and Warren has a lot of humanitarian ideas (he has left half his fortune to charity).
You should read this book if you like entrepreneurship and business, but it gives a lot of advise about life too. It’s really amazing how Warren has got everything he has.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Link about an article or news

Hi mates! Here you have my link:, I have chosen this topic because I think this is an issue that concerns everyone.
Does technology hinder or help toddlers' learning?
Nowadays, technology play a role very important in our lives, but the most important: Does  technology hinder or help toddlers’ learning?(tablets, computers..) They clearly have many advantages for the children. However, there are also some drawbacks.
On the one hand, there are several surveys that show us that kids who are interacting with touch screens learn faster. I want to point out that computers allow interaction and they can control and make that things happen, however  with television, they watch and do not control anything. Another advantage is that there are many  educational apps available for kids that encourage them to learn in a fun way about shapes, numbers, alphabets, colours to name but a few.
On the other hand, technology could be addictive if children spend a lot of time in front of  screens and they can miss a lot of experiences that they can found in the environment. Moreover other disadvantages  is the lack of human interaction, they should play outside with other children, they need explore with all their senses. For instance, children  seeing, hearing, smelling and touching  things that are necessary for their learning.
In conclusion, technology can be really helpful tools if is used in a proper way to help them to learn correctly, and not all the time, or instead of other things.

Vanessa Fernández Corcobado

Sunday, May 5, 2013

American Stories (book review)

This book is a collection of six short stories written by six master of the American contemporary literature: The Gift of The Magi, by O Henry, who is often referred to as the father of the modern short story, one of the best-known and best-loved American short-story writers; The Lost Phoebe, by Theodore Dreiser, one of the greatest naturalist writers in American lierature; The Baby Party, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, best known for his novels about life in the US "Jazz Age", as The Great Gatsby; You Were Perfectly Fine, by Dorothy Parker, who wrote best-sellers in poetry and important pieces of theatre; The Romantic, by Patricia Highsmith, a saccesful mystery writer; an Full Circle, by Edith Wharton, who became the first woman ever to win a Pulitzer prize, in, 1921, for her best-known novel The Age of Innocence.

   Although each narration is independent, they share some common points: due to their condition of short story, all take place within a short space of time (You Were Perfectly Fine is the shortest, because it shows just a conversation); most of the stories are set in New York; many of characters are ordinary people and we can see a little part of their ordinary life, therefore, most of them leaves to the reader, eventually, the disappointing feeling of simple reality.

   Regarding the setting, as I have mentioned before, New York is the most important place in the book; the big city where all situations and all events can happen: through the stories we go in its stores, its hotels, its bars...,we can know the inner atmosphere of some homes, some workplaces..., famous landmarks are mentioned, such as Central Park, and the Metropolitan Museum... Only one story is set in the countryside, The Lost Phoebe, which takes place in the Midwest of USA. The main character lives on a run-down, isolated farm, and in this story the landscape is unforgetable because most of the time the main character is wandering along a wide and rural scenery.

   The plot of most of the short stories are quite simple because they can not have a long development: a conversation, the choice of a gift, the consequences of a lost love, an argument in a birthday party...They seem pieces of true life. But they also have their narrative interest because most of them hide a final surprise or an unexpected twist in the ending.The stories, although simple, enclose many interesting themes as: the scarce importance of the material possessions, the value of a long marriage, the madness, the love, the appearances of the middle class in America, the male/female relationships in New York city, the place of alcohol in society, the money, the lonliness... Present, universal an eternal themes which are part of the people's life at anytime.

   Among the amount of main characters who we can meet in this book there are members of all social classes in US, from poorest, as Della in The Gift of te Magi, to most wealthy people, as Geoffrey Betton in Full Circle. Although they are not deeply described, their acts, their words and their feelins make them completely bealievable. Even their unpredictable reactions make them more human, as Mrs Markey's attitude in The Baby Party. I would point up two main characters who attract most my attention: the elder Henry, and the young Isabel. Henry is the main character of The Lost Phoebe: he has lived all his life with his wife, Phoebe, and he has became very dependent on her. When Phoebe dies, Henry can not cope his loss and starts to see her sometimes, and to look for her walking, and asking for her, further and further...; the strengh of his love and his conviction make him a strong character, wereas his madness and the neglection of his appearance made him weak and fragile. Hi is a bid, old and dry man broken by the loss of lis love. Isabel is the main c
haracter of The Romantic. She is 23 years old and works as secretary for a company in New York. She has not family, she has not friends... She only enjoys reading romance novels and se looks forward a more exciting social life, or an ideal lover... She is so exciting when she get her first date... but the waited man does not appear. After that Isabel will start to imagine and look for 'empty dates'...She is a modern character who represents the isolation and lack of affection of many people in our present society. Both characters, Henry and Isabel, are, in some way, similar: they are pulled by the strengh of love, they feel the sad weight of the lonelyness, they fight to make their dream reality, ¿Are they mad?

   The reading of this book is not always easy. The style is, obviously, different in each story, because it depends on the author and the time. Some of the narrations are more descriptive, some more dialogued, some more reflexive... The descriptions have the difficulty of a wide variety of unusual vocabulary; the direct speech encloses a number of informal or colloquial expressions we are not used to listening to, and some characters' internal monologues use very long, multiple-clause sentences which reflect the complicate thought process. In some cases the style becomes lyrical and poetic. The stories, therefore, can be, sometimes, difficult to read, but they are interesting, attracting, convincing, and

  To sum up, I would recommend you this book if you like short and realistic stories. Do not expect here many events or the development of a deep story. They are just little pieces of life where you can meet many different people and a variety of real situations. And through them you can know a small sample of best writers of American literature's work.



Friday, May 3, 2013

REVIEW                                             ADELA SÁNCHEZ SANTANA (A2)


It is a novel written by Thomas Hardy, a realist writer in the 19th century. The story is a picturesque portrait of a rural society in all its moods and in every season.

The plot is set in Mellstock, the main village. Half a  mile from this, were the church and vicarage. There was too other few sprawled houses, which before it had been the most populated  neighborhood  of the parish.

It is concerned about the activities of a group of church musicians, the Mellstock parish choir. Every Sunday, fiddlers and choir singers, made the rounds in Mellstock village. Also at Christmas Eve, wedding or relevant celebrations.

One of them, Dick Dewy fell in love with a new school mistress, Fancy Day, when the little band played at school house. Moreover, Fancy, an accomplished organ player, was proposed by the vicar, Mr. Maybold to replace the traditional musical accompaniment to Sunday services.

Dick and Fancy were engaged secretly after overcome the Fancy’s father objection to the potential marriage. Meanwhile, Fancy was offered two more marriage proposals from the vicar Mr. Maybold who wanted for her a life of relative affluence and Mr. Shiner one of the most rich farmer in the village.

In my opinion, the strongest aspect of this novel is when the author make a humorous portrait of the many characters like Ruben, William, Fancy’s parents and other neighbours from Mellstock as a rural town life in the middle of the 19th century.

The reader is absorbed by the vicissitudes of many characters, which are described by the author with all kind of details about their costumes and way of living in the country.

I recommend it you because it is amusing, although the author inserts, frequently, some notes of melancholy in  his characters which is a bit sad.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


            The first book that I have read is entitled "True Tales of American Life", edited and introduced by Paul Auster, in association with NPR's Weekend All Things Considered. This book is based on many stories that listeners sent to the radio. These stories were build upon real-life events, and their broadcasting achieved such great success that Auster decided to gather the most meaningful ones and to publish a book.
               The book is divided into chapters, each one dedicated to an issue, depending on the content, such as Animals, Families, War, Love, Death, Dreams, and so on. Many of these stories sound a bit unreal, however, Auster asked for nonfictional facts and even "Dreams" are in connection with true events.
                The reading of this book produces controversial feelings, sometimes the stories are moving or thrilling and others become gripping or boring. In many occasions realistic or unbelievable, perhaps the reader has the sensation of a half-told story.
                 I would recommend this book to those who want to know more about American people, their lives and feelings, taking in account that this book is not a Paul Auster's one. If somebody wants to discover the style of this fabulous writer, this is not the correct election. Yet, this book is easy to read because the reader can stop at any moment due to each story is short and the vocabulary is not really complicated.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Review. Girl with a pearl earring

Review. Girl with a pearl earring
Girl with a pearl earring is a novel written by Tracy Chevalier in 1999. The inspiration came to her after hugging the poster of the famous Vermeer’s picture for sixteen years wherever she lived. The book shows the oppressive atmosphere of a catholic family over a protestant sixteen-year-old girl who became their maid after her father, who was a respected artisan, is blinded. The duties of Griet, the young girl, involve not only the household chores, but cleaning the master’s studio. The relationship between the painter and the girl rouses the jealous and envy of the master’s wife Catharina, who is not allowed to enter in the studio.  The moments more fascinating are when Vermeer is painting Griet, at this moment, we can perceive her nervousness and contradictory emotions to the master who has asked her for to wear his wife’s pearl earrings for the painting.
The author shows the life in 17th century in Delft, where Chevalier spent several days in order to gather information. The characters are well-developed and apart from Griet and Vermeer, it should be pointed out Catharina Vermeer, his wife; Maria Thins, Vermeer’s mother-in-law; Tanneke, Vermeer’s household servant who shows Griet through her duties and finally, Pieter, butcher’son who is in love with Griet.
In my opinion, the novel is a charming and involving story that I strongly recommend reading as well as if you have the opportunity, visit the painting referred to as “the Mona Lisa of the North” which is kept in the Mauritshuis gallery in The Hague.
Lourdes Fernández Casas

Friday, April 26, 2013

Hi mates,
I recommend you spend  a few minutes reading this article. It's curious!

This page show us another kind of living.What we're seeking is an experience of being alive."But how can we experience "being alive" in the midst of the crushing urgencies that make up modern life?
The best way is going for a walk in the Wood. It will be quite  relaxed for you.

See you soon.

Adela Sánchez Santana

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Review – “The importance of Being Earnest”

The book “The importance of Being Earnest”  is based around two young men, one is an young man called Jack, who lives in the country. However, he wants to escape of his conservative lifestyle.
Jack says that has to visit his brother, Ernest, who gives him the opportunity to escape of  his boring life and have fun with his friend, Algernon.
Ernest has come from the country to propose to Algernon’s cousin, called Gwendolen.
Algernon comes to suspect that Jack is leading a double life when he finds a personal message in one of Jack’s cigarette cases “From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack”, then discover that Ernest’s name is Jack.
Gwendolen is smitten by the name Ernest, because  the name “Ernest” is something like serious.
Jack admits to her that he isn’t Ernest and Algerson also confesses to Cecily that his name is not Ernest either. This causes a lot of trouble in their lives, because women have a strange attachment to the name Ernest, and cannot consider marrying anyone who does not go by that name.
Another impediment to the marriages is Gwendolen’s mother, Lady Bracknell that she will not permit that her daughter marrying someone of Jack’s social status (because he is an orphan,and  he was found by his parents in a handbag at Train Station). As Jack is Cecily’s guardian, he will not allow her to marry Algernon, unless his aunt, Lady Bracknell changes her mind.
At the end, Lady Bracknell reveals that the Algernon’s brother was Jack, who was found in a handbag  and the child had been christened Ernest like his father.
The play ends with two very happy marriages.

From my point of view, Oscar Wilde is a great writer and I recommend you it if you like classics. It is a dizzy romantic comedy and funny! And shows the hypocrisies of the society.
Vanessa Fernández Corcobado

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hi mates,

I just have received an email from the eoi Rivas, probably  most of you have too, telling us that Juan Ramón can't come to class during this week.

For more information we can check the site


Friday, January 25, 2013

Hi mates!!

Yesterday we started correcting the homwork: on page 57 exercises 1 and 3 about phrasal verbs.
Then we move to the page 58 and we did the speaking and vocabulary exercises 1, 2 and 3 related with body collocations.
Filally we did the listening on the same page (58).

Some interesting vocabulary we learnt:
- sprain: esguince.                        
- filling: empaste.
- rotten: podrido.
- rinse: enjuague.
- dental floss: hilo dental.
- to faint: desmayarse.

Our homework: Page 60, reading exercise number 3. Vocabulary exercises numer 1 and 2.
Remember that we have the mock exam next week. On Tuesday we'll do the listening and the reading part and on Thursday the writing.

Have a nice weekend!!