Monday, November 19, 2012

SICAV or the legal fiscal Paradise in Spain!
Dear mates, the first time I read about this issue I couldn’t believe it, there is an easy and legal way to avoid paying taxes in Spain! You just pay 1% of your money, no matter how much it is. Well, you need a big amount of money to constitute this type of society, so is not for people like us.
This type of society is being used by many rich and famous people, bank owners, businessmen, monarchy members and of course the Church. I’m sure you will be surprised with some names.
The tax office inspectors are not allowed to investigate these societies, our current government, as well as the previous one, forbid the inspectors to carry on any single inspection.
This is just another example of what the politicians are doing for the people of this country, while a worker can pay up to 50% of its salary in taxes depending on his incomes, a person with some millions of euros would pay just the 1%, and moreover these euros are producing more money out of Spain, they even don’t have to use it here… amazing.
I’m sure that if you did not know about this at least you will find it interesting:
All the best,


  1. I totally agree with you! It's just amazing! However, some people maintain that, without the SICAV, large amounts of money would be sent abroad, or even suggest that with lower taxes wealthy people are encouraged to invest... What do you think about these arguments? (This is a question for everybody in class ;)

  2. I'm fed up with giving wealthy people economic advantages and all that stuff, even when their life is pretty easy enough to need more help.
    Moreover, we have to live like hostages, under menace of that their money could be sent abroad... what a shame!


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