Saturday, December 1, 2012

Summary of the class on 30/11/12.

Dear mates,

Yesterday we started talking about our plans for the next long weekend as well as for Christmas; Some of us will travel into Spain, other abroad and other will stay at home with the family or are waiting for a last minute plan.

After that we discuss about what would be do if we were rich and don’t have to work for the rest of our lives. There was an interesting debate with several points of view.

We followed with a listening in page 32 about the Nauru island phenomenon, and did the exercises 1, 2 and 3.

Some of the words, verbs and expressions we learnt to “dazzle our teacher” were:Eviction, piglet, droppings, to drop out (school), haven, hub, to mow the lawn, mower & “from rich to rags”.

For homework we have:

Page 32 Grammar, exercises 1 & 2.
Page 33 Vocabulary, exercises 1, 2 & 3.

I think that's all. Enjoy the weekend and see you on Tuesday.
All the best,

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